Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ah... Some place out there!

AH... some place out there! I love the pespective of infinity pools in photos (that illusion of the encounter of the pool and the sea! I would love to go to Brazil the end of this year... It's super summer there now! This place in this photo reminds me Angra dos Reis, a place formed by 365 islands (one for each day of the year). I love the colors of this photo, the blue... wow... and especially the pops of color in the pillow. It's so bright and crisp. It's simple and relaxing...


  1. gostaria muito d te-la por aqui .........big bjo

  2. ahahah tbem estou precisando de praia please...ate breve ..saudades

  3. Hey! Querida Arlete & Ben... Eu gostaria de convidar voce para ser seguir meu blog! Como voce soube que eu estava "blogando"?
