Monday, April 19, 2010

The Houses of Douglas Manor – NY

This past Sunday my husband and I took a short and mellow walk around the neighborhood of Douglas Manor, Queens _ NY. The light was incredibly dramatic, the green of the trees were so fresh {it’s beginning of spring}; and the houses there were and are always so beautiful, charming and inspiring…

JUST A SIMPLE DETAIL: All the houses from the images above are facing the water.


  1. What a neighborhood! Are you kidding me? Mansions overlooking water... that is just too lovely

  2. Very interesting,Thanks a lot for this, I am greatful for the info.

  3. Renata what a beautiful setting. I would adore walking in this neighborhood!! Love your site.

    Art by Karena

  4. Renata, tudo bem?
    Que passeio inspirador vocês fizeram.
    É um previlégio poder viver num local assim com tanta história, arquitetura e recursos naturais.
    Bjs . Sílvia.

  5. Thanks all for the comments! Hope one day you can come to visit me, then i can take you all overthere... It's very close to my house. It's a neighborhood to dream about...
    Xoxo and Hug,


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