Monday, March 21, 2011

A TRIBUTE TO JAPAN - Design & Culture

I feel really sorry for what had happened and still happening in Japan… According to recent news the water have finally been retreated and people are coming back to their homes. I just can image how devastated they would fell coming home and seen all destroyed and lost. I mean, they are already desvasted from the moment that the earthquake and tsunami had hit the land.  I don’t think I could take all that!
But in this post I don’t want talk about the sadness that is going on in Japan… That’s something for the news. I want remind myself and you about all the beautiful, fun, creative, trendy, inspiriting things from Japan and produced in Japan. Hopefully this post can inspire you... and you might fell like contributing somehow to help this country and their people during this giant crises that they dealing with. PEACE for JAPAN!

In progress still... I've so busy this last week and this weekend that I couldn't post my regular post... I am trying today... But it seem that I am not going able to finish it today... I too tired! I have to go to bed... Sorry... zzzzzzzzzz... I sleeping on my laptop!
Nite, nite....


  1. Olá, Renata.
    Adorei tua postura diante da tragedia ocorrida, a midia em geral faz o contrário, especulando,mentindo(pelo menos aqui no Brasil), só para lucrar.
    O Japão é maravilhoso do ponto de vista paisagistico, cultural...agora também enfrentando uma crise política mas eles são organizados e vão vencer porque trabalham muito para isso.

  2. Ola Silvia,

    Eu acredito que sim Silvia! E uma nacao rica, organizada e um povo muito trabalhador... assim como voce disse. E alem do mais, eu acho que depois que eles conseguirem superar tudo, eles poderam se fortificar mais do que sao!

    Ate mais,

